

Does Microneedling for Acne Scars Work?

When you’ve suffered from acne or frequent breakouts, one of the most common next chapters to face is recovery from acne scarring. During breakouts with acne-prone skin, skin cells are rarely given enough time to properly heal and repair before the next breakout begins, leaving the skin damaged, broken, and scarred.  Getting through acne and finding the treatment plan that soothes your skin is a great feat on its own; if you’ve successfully mounted this obstacle, trust that you’ll be [...]

Does Microneedling for Acne Scars Work?2020-10-15T14:50:50-07:00

Can You Use Botox for Excessive Sweating? How Does It Work?

Botox for Sweating  Receiving Botox in the armpits has become one of the most popular ways to combat excessive sweating in people with overactive sweat glands. The treatments are safe, easy, regulated and affordable.  Botox for Underarm Sweating Is Safe and Easy Botox prohibits the armpits from over-sweating by blocking nerve signals in the sweat glands. Basically, the gland can no longer ask the brain to make it sweat. Treatments are useful for patients who have been diagnosed with overactive [...]

Can You Use Botox for Excessive Sweating? How Does It Work?2020-06-15T15:19:23-07:00

What Causes Spider Veins on the Face

Spider veins are another name for broken capillaries, and they’re a common symptom of overexposure to the sun, harsh weather climates, or windburn. Sensitive skin types are most at risk for spider veins and are encouraged to apply preventative steps into their daily skincare routine. If you have spider veins, you’ll know it. They look like little strands of red or purple hair beneath the skin, sometimes coiling and creating a web-like appearance and thus, earning their name “spider [...]

What Causes Spider Veins on the Face2023-08-17T00:37:22-07:00

Laser Treatment for Broken Capillaries

If you’ve noticed a surfacing of needle-point-sized red dots on your skin, you’re likely looking at visible evidence of broken capillaries (commonly known as spider veins). They are most common on the face around chin, cheeks, and nose and are caused by a variety of reasons. While broken capillaries are not dangerous or threatening to health, their prominence is often bothersome. The good news is, you can reduce the appearance of the red dots or clusters on your skin. Broken [...]

Laser Treatment for Broken Capillaries2022-06-13T04:28:40-07:00

Reconstructive Surgery For Earlobe Repair – Fix Split Ear Lobe

Earlobe repair surgery corrects earlobes that are congenitally deformed or damaged after an accident or gauges. It’s also performed to correct lobes that stretched after years of wearing heavy earrings, which left some patients needing torn earlobe repair or split earlobe repair.  Today, earlobe repair is often requested to re-shape an earlobe stretched by gauging that, alas, did not shrink back to its old size. Other patients don’t like their enlarged earlobes. Ears and lobes continue to grow throughout a [...]

Reconstructive Surgery For Earlobe Repair – Fix Split Ear Lobe2023-08-28T03:21:40-07:00

Otoplasty Cost – What Is The Average Price of Ear Pinning Surgery?

Otoplasty is a type of reconstructive surgery done on the outer ear to reshape it to and improve the ear’s appearance, including correcting deformities. What is Ear Pinning? Ear pinning or otopexy, corrects ears that look oversized because of the way they protrude. Ears that stand out more than 2 centimeters from the side of the head or angle at more than 35° are candidates for ear pinning surgery.  Around the nation, ear pinning cost is generally around $2500-$4000 for [...]

Otoplasty Cost – What Is The Average Price of Ear Pinning Surgery?2023-08-28T03:19:40-07:00

Chin Liposuction Recovery Time

Compared to other liposuction procedures in Scottsdale AZ, chin liposuction recovery and swelling are pretty minimal. That’s because there are less fat and skin to remove from the chin and neck than the thighs, buttocks, and other places where liposuction is performed. The procedure itself takes less time, too, so patients get home sooner to rest and recover.  Most liposuction procedures, including chin lipo, are done in outpatient surgery centers. Chin Liposuction Recovery Time Is Usually One to Three Days [...]

Chin Liposuction Recovery Time2022-06-13T03:48:43-07:00

7 Ways to Lift Sagging Breasts

Have you noticed the number of ads for bras that promise to lift sagging breasts? One of them even asks “are you still wearing a bra from Victoria’s Secret?” Women are very aware of how their appearances change as they age, especially their breasts. And most do want to know how to fix saggy boobs and get some firmness restored to their breasts. Keep in mind that it’s not just pregnancy and childbirth that affects breast shape over time. [...]

7 Ways to Lift Sagging Breasts2023-08-28T00:32:12-07:00

Different Types of Breast Lifts Explained

Breast lift and augmentation improve a woman’s appearance and comfort. But did you know there are different types of breast lifts? Understanding the types of breast lifts can help you understand what to expect from your surgery.  Breast lift types match the amount of skin and tissue to be removed. There are basically three kinds of breast lift procedures, plus one used almost only with implants. Dr. Rochlin looks at breast size and the amount of tissue and skin to [...]

Different Types of Breast Lifts Explained2023-08-28T00:26:58-07:00

Cosmetic Surgery vs Plastic Surgery: What Are the Differences?

You’ve probably heard the terms “cosmetic surgery” and “plastic surgery” used interchangeably. It’s understandable because the two are closely related. A true plastic surgery definition notes this specialty focuses on reconstructing physical defects present at birth or the result of disease or accident. It improves or restores physical function and can bring dormant ones to life. Plastic surgery often uses cosmetic surgery techniques as well to correct disfigurements. So what is cosmetic surgery? Like plastic surgery, it’s a surgical specialty [...]

Cosmetic Surgery vs Plastic Surgery: What Are the Differences?2023-08-28T00:08:07-07:00
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