Dr. Semone Rochlin

Can You Use Botox for Excessive Sweating? How Does It Work?

Botox for Sweating 

Receiving Botox in the armpits has become one of the most popular ways to combat excessive sweating in people with overactive sweat glands. The treatments are safe, easy, regulated and affordable. 

Botox for Underarm Sweating Is Safe and Easy

Botox prohibits the armpits from over-sweating by blocking nerve signals in the sweat glands. Basically, the gland can no longer ask the brain to make it sweat. Treatments are useful for patients who have been diagnosed with overactive glands that produce an unnecessary amount of sweat per the body’s needs. For those concerned about eliminating these exit areas, sweat glands are only two percent of the body’s sweat glands. This means there are plenty more opportunities for eliminating sweat and heat from the body.

Benefits of Botox for Armpit Sweating

Benefits of Botox for Armpit Sweating

You can expect a number of benefits from botox treatments for armpit sweat. Here are just a few that clients most commonly report: 

Armpit Botox Cost

The cost of treatment depends on the practitioner and the number of units needed. Most patients can expect a cost range of $500-$1,500/treatment. Remember, most clients need treatment every five months. Before receiving treatment, you can speak with your practitioner to get a narrow idea of how much to plan to invest upfront and per treatment thereafter. 

Alternative Options

When deciding on the best treatment plan for your overactive armpit sweat glands, other options are available. You can learn more about a couple of the most common ones below.

Who Is a Candidate

The first thing to do if you’re interested in Botox for overactive sweat glands is to speak with your primary physician and to see an experienced practitioner. It is important that you receive expert education and guidance on which treatment plans are best for you and your desired results. 

What to Expect

Botox in the armpits is relatively painless; patients report feeling bug-bite-like sensation for up to a few minutes. Depending on sensitivity, you might ask your injecting practitioner about cautionary steps to take. Additionally, most treatments include a provisionary numbing ointment on the area. This allows for minimal discomfort and maximum benefits in repeat visits.

Here are a few more basic steps to prepare for ahead of time.

How to Prepare

There is not a ton to do to prepare for your treatment, but we believe it’s best to feel overly prepared and fully equipped with what to expect before coming in for your appointment. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

Let Us Know About Your Experience

Have you received Botox or other treatments to reduce excessive armpit sweat? We’d love to know more and to share your experience with our online community. Leave a reply with your story or advice in the comments below.

Dr. Semone Rochlin

If you suffer from excessive sweating, you don’t want to any longer. Schedule time to meet with Dr. Semone Rochlin, and discuss the best options for botox treatment in Scottsdale. Dr. Semone Rochlin is not only an expert practitioner and physician, but she evaluates each client on a case-by-case basis to curate a safe and effective treatment.

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